Source code for astropy.samp.hub

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import copy
import os
import select
import socket
import threading
import time
import uuid
import warnings

from ..extern.six.moves import queue, range
from ..extern.six.moves import xmlrpc_client as xmlrpc
from ..extern.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlunparse
from .. import log

from .constants import SAMP_STATUS_OK
from .constants import __profile_version__
from .errors import SAMPWarning, SAMPHubError, SAMPProxyError
from .utils import internet_on, ServerProxyPool, _HubAsClient
from .lockfile_helpers import read_lockfile, create_lock_file

from .standard_profile import ThreadingXMLRPCServer
from .web_profile import WebProfileXMLRPCServer, web_profile_text_dialog

__all__ = ['SAMPHubServer', 'WebProfileDialog']

__doctest_skip__ = ['.', 'SAMPHubServer.*']

[docs]class SAMPHubServer(object): """ SAMP Hub Server. Parameters ---------- secret : str, optional The secret code to use for the SAMP lockfile. If none is is specified, the :func:`uuid.uuid1` function is used to generate one. addr : str, optional Listening address (or IP). This defaults to if the internet is not reachable, otherwise it defaults to the host name. port : int, optional Listening XML-RPC server socket port. If left set to 0 (the default), the operating system will select a free port. lockfile : str, optional Custom lockfile name. timeout : int, optional Hub inactivity timeout. If ``timeout > 0`` then the Hub automatically stops after an inactivity period longer than ``timeout`` seconds. By default ``timeout`` is set to 0 (Hub never expires). client_timeout : int, optional Client inactivity timeout. If ``client_timeout > 0`` then the Hub automatically unregisters the clients which result inactive for a period longer than ``client_timeout`` seconds. By default ``client_timeout`` is set to 0 (clients never expire). mode : str, optional Defines the Hub running mode. If ``mode`` is ``'single'`` then the Hub runs using the standard ``.samp`` lock-file, having a single instance for user desktop session. Otherwise, if ``mode`` is ``'multiple'``, then the Hub runs using a non-standard lock-file, placed in ``.samp-1`` directory, of the form ``samp-hub-<UUID>``, where ``<UUID>`` is a unique UUID assigned to the hub. label : str, optional A string used to label the Hub with a human readable name. This string is written in the lock-file assigned to the ``hub.label`` token. web_profile : bool, optional Enables or disables the Web Profile support. web_profile_dialog : class, optional Allows a class instance to be specified using ``web_profile_dialog`` to replace the terminal-based message with e.g. a GUI pop-up. Two `queue.Queue` instances will be added to the instance as attributes ``queue_request`` and ``queue_result``. When a request is received via the ``queue_request`` queue, the pop-up should be displayed, and a value of `True` or `False` should be added to ``queue_result`` depending on whether the user accepted or refused the connection. web_port : int, optional The port to use for web SAMP. This should not be changed except for testing purposes, since web SAMP should always use port 21012. pool_size : int, optional The number of socket connections opened to communicate with the clients. """ def __init__(self, secret=None, addr=None, port=0, lockfile=None, timeout=0, client_timeout=0, mode='single', label="", web_profile=True, web_profile_dialog=None, web_port=21012, pool_size=20): # Generate random ID for the hub self._id = str(uuid.uuid1()) # General settings self._is_running = False self._customlockfilename = lockfile self._lockfile = None self._addr = addr self._port = port self._mode = mode self._label = label self._timeout = timeout self._client_timeout = client_timeout self._pool_size = pool_size # Web profile specific attributes self._web_profile = web_profile self._web_profile_dialog = web_profile_dialog self._web_port = web_port self._web_profile_server = None self._web_profile_callbacks = {} self._web_profile_requests_queue = None self._web_profile_requests_result = None self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = None self._host_name = "" if internet_on(): try: self._host_name = socket.getfqdn() socket.getaddrinfo(self._addr or self._host_name, self._port or 0) except socket.error: self._host_name = "" # Threading stuff self._thread_lock = threading.Lock() self._thread_run = None self._thread_hub_timeout = None self._thread_client_timeout = None self._launched_threads = [] # Variables for timeout testing: self._last_activity_time = None self._client_activity_time = {} # Hub message id counter, used to create hub msg ids self._hub_msg_id_counter = 0 # Hub secret code self._hub_secret_code_customized = secret self._hub_secret = self._create_secret_code() # Hub public id (as SAMP client) self._hub_public_id = "" # Client ids # {private_key: (public_id, timestamp)} self._private_keys = {} # Metadata per client # {private_key: metadata} self._metadata = {} # List of subscribed clients per MType # {mtype: private_key list} self._mtype2ids = {} # List of subscribed MTypes per client # {private_key: mtype list} self._id2mtypes = {} # List of XML-RPC addresses per client # {public_id: (XML-RPC address, ServerProxyPool instance)} self._xmlrpc_endpoints = {} # Synchronous message id heap self._sync_msg_ids_heap = {} # Public ids counter self._client_id_counter = -1 @property def id(self): """ The unique hub ID. """ return self._id def _register_standard_api(self, server): # Standard Profile only operations server.register_function(self._ping, '') server.register_function(self._set_xmlrpc_callback, 'samp.hub.setXmlrpcCallback') # Standard API operations server.register_function(self._register, 'samp.hub.register') server.register_function(self._unregister, 'samp.hub.unregister') server.register_function(self._declare_metadata, 'samp.hub.declareMetadata') server.register_function(self._get_metadata, 'samp.hub.getMetadata') server.register_function(self._declare_subscriptions, 'samp.hub.declareSubscriptions') server.register_function(self._get_subscriptions, 'samp.hub.getSubscriptions') server.register_function(self._get_registered_clients, 'samp.hub.getRegisteredClients') server.register_function(self._get_subscribed_clients, 'samp.hub.getSubscribedClients') server.register_function(self._notify, 'samp.hub.notify') server.register_function(self._notify_all, 'samp.hub.notifyAll') server.register_function(self._call, '') server.register_function(self._call_all, 'samp.hub.callAll') server.register_function(self._call_and_wait, 'samp.hub.callAndWait') server.register_function(self._reply, 'samp.hub.reply') def _register_web_profile_api(self, server): # Web Profile methods like Standard Profile server.register_function(self._ping, '') server.register_function(self._unregister, 'samp.webhub.unregister') server.register_function(self._declare_metadata, 'samp.webhub.declareMetadata') server.register_function(self._get_metadata, 'samp.webhub.getMetadata') server.register_function(self._declare_subscriptions, 'samp.webhub.declareSubscriptions') server.register_function(self._get_subscriptions, 'samp.webhub.getSubscriptions') server.register_function(self._get_registered_clients, 'samp.webhub.getRegisteredClients') server.register_function(self._get_subscribed_clients, 'samp.webhub.getSubscribedClients') server.register_function(self._notify, 'samp.webhub.notify') server.register_function(self._notify_all, 'samp.webhub.notifyAll') server.register_function(self._call, '') server.register_function(self._call_all, 'samp.webhub.callAll') server.register_function(self._call_and_wait, 'samp.webhub.callAndWait') server.register_function(self._reply, 'samp.webhub.reply') # Methods particularly for Web Profile server.register_function(self._web_profile_register, 'samp.webhub.register') server.register_function(self._web_profile_allowReverseCallbacks, 'samp.webhub.allowReverseCallbacks') server.register_function(self._web_profile_pullCallbacks, 'samp.webhub.pullCallbacks') def _start_standard_server(self): self._server = ThreadingXMLRPCServer( (self._addr or self._host_name, self._port or 0), log, logRequests=False, allow_none=True) prot = 'http' self._port = self._server.socket.getsockname()[1] addr = "{0}:{1}".format(self._addr or self._host_name, self._port) self._url = urlunparse((prot, addr, '', '', '', '')) self._server.register_introspection_functions() self._register_standard_api(self._server) def _start_web_profile_server(self): self._web_profile_requests_queue = queue.Queue(1) self._web_profile_requests_result = queue.Queue(1) self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = queue.Queue(1) if self._web_profile_dialog is not None: # TODO: Some sort of duck-typing on the web_profile_dialog object self._web_profile_dialog.queue_request = \ self._web_profile_requests_queue self._web_profile_dialog.queue_result = \ self._web_profile_requests_result try: self._web_profile_server = WebProfileXMLRPCServer( ('localhost', self._web_port), log, logRequests=False, allow_none=True) self._web_port = self._web_profile_server.socket.getsockname()[1] self._web_profile_server.register_introspection_functions() self._register_web_profile_api(self._web_profile_server)"Hub set to run with Web Profile support enabled.") except socket.error: log.warning("Port {0} already in use. Impossible to run the " "Hub with Web Profile support.".format(self._web_port), SAMPWarning) self._web_profile = False # Cleanup self._web_profile_requests_queue = None self._web_profile_requests_result = None self._web_profile_requests_semaphore = None def _launch_thread(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=None): # Remove inactive threads remove = [] for t in self._launched_threads: if not t.is_alive(): remove.append(t) for t in remove: self._launched_threads.remove(t) # Start new thread t = threading.Thread(group=group, target=target, name=name, args=args) t.start() # Add to list of launched threads self._launched_threads.append(t) def _join_launched_threads(self, timeout=None): for t in self._launched_threads: t.join(timeout=timeout) def _timeout_test_hub(self): if self._timeout == 0: return last = time.time() while self._is_running: time.sleep(0.05) # keep this small to check _is_running often now = time.time() if now - last > 1.: with self._thread_lock: if self._last_activity_time is not None: if now - self._last_activity_time >= self._timeout: warnings.warn("Timeout expired, Hub is shutting down!", SAMPWarning) self.stop() return last = now def _timeout_test_client(self): if self._client_timeout == 0: return last = time.time() while self._is_running: time.sleep(0.05) # keep this small to check _is_running often now = time.time() if now - last > 1.: for private_key in self._client_activity_time.keys(): if (now - self._client_activity_time[private_key] > self._client_timeout and private_key != self._hub_private_key): warnings.warn( "Client {} timeout expired!".format(private_key), SAMPWarning) self._notify_disconnection(private_key) self._unregister(private_key) last = now def _hub_as_client_request_handler(self, method, args): if method == 'samp.client.receiveCall': return self._receive_call(*args) elif method == 'samp.client.receiveNotification': return self._receive_notification(*args) elif method == 'samp.client.receiveResponse': return self._receive_response(*args) elif method == '': return self._ping(*args) def _setup_hub_as_client(self): hub_metadata = {"": "Astropy SAMP Hub", "samp.description.text": self._label, "": "The Astropy Collaboration", "samp.documentation.url": "", "samp.icon.url": self._url + "/samp/icon"} result = self._register(self._hub_secret) self._hub_public_id = result["samp.self-id"] self._hub_private_key = result["samp.private-key"] self._set_xmlrpc_callback(self._hub_private_key, self._url) self._declare_metadata(self._hub_private_key, hub_metadata) self._declare_subscriptions(self._hub_private_key, {"": {}, "": {}})
[docs] def start(self, wait=False): """ Start the current SAMP Hub instance and create the lock file. Hub start-up can be blocking or non blocking depending on the ``wait`` parameter. Parameters ---------- wait : bool If `True` then the Hub process is joined with the caller, blocking the code flow. Usually `True` option is used to run a stand-alone Hub in an executable script. If `False` (default), then the Hub process runs in a separated thread. `False` is usually used in a Python shell. """ if self._is_running: raise SAMPHubError("Hub is already running") if self._lockfile is not None: raise SAMPHubError("Hub is not running but lockfile is set") if self._web_profile: self._start_web_profile_server() self._start_standard_server() self._lockfile = create_lock_file(lockfilename=self._customlockfilename, mode=self._mode,, hub_params=self.params) self._update_last_activity_time() self._setup_hub_as_client() self._start_threads()"Hub started") if wait and self._is_running: self._thread_run.join() self._thread_run = None
@property def params(self): """ The hub parameters (which are written to the logfile) """ params = {} # Keys required by standard profile params['samp.secret'] = self._hub_secret params['samp.hub.xmlrpc.url'] = self._url params['samp.profile.version'] = __profile_version__ # Custom keys params[''] = params['hub.label'] = self._label or "Hub {0}".format( return params def _start_threads(self): self._thread_run = threading.Thread(target=self._serve_forever) self._thread_run.daemon = True if self._timeout > 0: self._thread_hub_timeout = threading.Thread( target=self._timeout_test_hub, name="Hub timeout test") self._thread_hub_timeout.daemon = True else: self._thread_hub_timeout = None if self._client_timeout > 0: self._thread_client_timeout = threading.Thread( target=self._timeout_test_client, name="Client timeout test") self._thread_client_timeout.daemon = True else: self._thread_client_timeout = None self._is_running = True self._thread_run.start() if self._thread_hub_timeout is not None: self._thread_hub_timeout.start() if self._thread_client_timeout is not None: self._thread_client_timeout.start() def _create_secret_code(self): if self._hub_secret_code_customized is not None: return self._hub_secret_code_customized else: return str(uuid.uuid1())
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the current SAMP Hub instance and delete the lock file. """ if not self._is_running: return"Hub is stopping...") self._notify_shutdown() self._is_running = False if self._lockfile and os.path.isfile(self._lockfile): lockfiledict = read_lockfile(self._lockfile) if lockfiledict['samp.secret'] == self._hub_secret: os.remove(self._lockfile) self._lockfile = None # Reset variables # TODO: What happens if not all threads are stopped after timeout? self._join_all_threads(timeout=10.) self._hub_msg_id_counter = 0 self._hub_secret = self._create_secret_code() self._hub_public_id = "" self._metadata = {} self._private_keys = {} self._mtype2ids = {} self._id2mtypes = {} self._xmlrpc_endpoints = {} self._last_activity_time = None"Hub stopped.")
def _join_all_threads(self, timeout=None): # In some cases, ``stop`` may be called from some of the sub-threads, # so we just need to make sure that we don't try and shut down the # calling thread. current_thread = threading.current_thread() if self._thread_run is not current_thread: self._thread_run.join(timeout=timeout) if not self._thread_run.is_alive(): self._thread_run = None if self._thread_hub_timeout is not None and self._thread_hub_timeout is not current_thread: self._thread_hub_timeout.join(timeout=timeout) if not self._thread_hub_timeout.is_alive(): self._thread_hub_timeout = None if self._thread_client_timeout is not None and self._thread_client_timeout is not current_thread: self._thread_client_timeout.join(timeout=timeout) if not self._thread_client_timeout.is_alive(): self._thread_client_timeout = None self._join_launched_threads(timeout=timeout) @property def is_running(self): """Return an information concerning the Hub running status. Returns ------- running : bool Is the hub running? """ return self._is_running def _serve_forever(self): while self._is_running: try: read_ready =[self._server.socket], [], [], 0.01)[0] except select.error as exc: warnings.warn("Call to select() in SAMPHubServer failed: {0}".format(exc), SAMPWarning) else: if read_ready: self._server.handle_request() if self._web_profile: # We now check if there are any connection requests from the # web profile, and if so, we initialize the pop-up. if self._web_profile_dialog is None: try: request = self._web_profile_requests_queue.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: pass else: web_profile_text_dialog(request, self._web_profile_requests_result) # We now check for requests over the web profile socket, and we # also update the pop-up in case there are any changes. try: read_ready =[self._web_profile_server.socket], [], [], 0.01)[0] except select.error as exc: warnings.warn("Call to select() in SAMPHubServer failed: {0}".format(exc), SAMPWarning) else: if read_ready: self._web_profile_server.handle_request() self._server.server_close() if self._web_profile_server is not None: self._web_profile_server.server_close() def _notify_shutdown(self): msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.shutdown") for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: self._notify_(self._hub_private_key, self._private_keys[key][0], {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.shutdown", "samp.params": {}}) def _notify_register(self, private_key): msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.register") for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: # if key != private_key: self._notify(self._hub_private_key, self._private_keys[key][0], {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.register", "samp.params": {"id": public_id}}) def _notify_unregister(self, private_key): msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.unregister") for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: if key != private_key: self._notify(self._hub_private_key, self._private_keys[key][0], {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.unregister", "samp.params": {"id": public_id}}) def _notify_metadata(self, private_key): msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.metadata") for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: # if key != private_key: self._notify(self._hub_private_key, self._private_keys[key][0], {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.metadata", "samp.params": {"id": public_id, "metadata": self._metadata[private_key]} }) def _notify_subscriptions(self, private_key): msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.event.subscriptions") for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: self._notify(self._hub_private_key, self._private_keys[key][0], {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.event.subscriptions", "samp.params": {"id": public_id, "subscriptions": self._id2mtypes[private_key]} }) def _notify_disconnection(self, private_key): def _xmlrpc_call_disconnect(endpoint, private_key, hub_public_id, message): endpoint.samp.client.receiveNotification(private_key, hub_public_id, message) msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("samp.hub.disconnect") public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] endpoint = self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id][1] for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids and private_key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: log.debug("notify disconnection to {}".format(public_id)) self._launch_thread(target=_xmlrpc_call_disconnect, args=(endpoint, private_key, self._hub_public_id, {"samp.mtype": "samp.hub.disconnect", "samp.params": {"reason": "Timeout expired!"}})) def _ping(self): self._update_last_activity_time() log.debug("ping") return "1" def _query_by_metadata(self, key, value): public_id_list = [] for private_id in self._metadata: if key in self._metadata[private_id]: if self._metadata[private_id][key] == value: public_id_list.append(self._private_keys[private_id][0]) return public_id_list def _set_xmlrpc_callback(self, private_key, xmlrpc_addr): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: if private_key == self._hub_private_key: public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id] = \ (xmlrpc_addr, _HubAsClient(self._hub_as_client_request_handler)) return "" # Dictionary stored with the public id log.debug("set_xmlrpc_callback: {} {}".format(private_key, xmlrpc_addr)) server_proxy_pool = None server_proxy_pool = ServerProxyPool(self._pool_size, xmlrpc.ServerProxy, xmlrpc_addr, allow_none=1) public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_id] = (xmlrpc_addr, server_proxy_pool) else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) return "" def _perform_standard_register(self): with self._thread_lock: private_key, public_id = self._get_new_ids() self._private_keys[private_key] = (public_id, time.time()) self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) self._notify_register(private_key) log.debug("register: private-key = {} and self-id = {}" .format(private_key, public_id)) return {"samp.self-id": public_id, "samp.private-key": private_key, "samp.hub-id": self._hub_public_id} def _register(self, secret): self._update_last_activity_time() if secret == self._hub_secret: return self._perform_standard_register() else: # return {"samp.self-id": "", "samp.private-key": "", "samp.hub-id": ""} raise SAMPProxyError(7, "Bad secret code") def _get_new_ids(self): private_key = str(uuid.uuid1()) self._client_id_counter += 1 public_id = 'cli#hub' if self._client_id_counter > 0: public_id = "cli#{}".format(self._client_id_counter) return private_key, public_id def _unregister(self, private_key): self._update_last_activity_time() public_key = "" self._notify_unregister(private_key) with self._thread_lock: if private_key in self._private_keys: public_key = self._private_keys[private_key][0] del self._private_keys[private_key] else: return "" if private_key in self._metadata: del self._metadata[private_key] if private_key in self._id2mtypes: del self._id2mtypes[private_key] for mtype in self._mtype2ids.keys(): if private_key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: self._mtype2ids[mtype].remove(private_key) if public_key in self._xmlrpc_endpoints: del self._xmlrpc_endpoints[public_key] if private_key in self._client_activity_time: del self._client_activity_time[private_key] if self._web_profile: if private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks: del self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key] self._web_profile_server.remove_client(private_key) log.debug("unregister {} ({})".format(public_key, private_key)) return "" def _declare_metadata(self, private_key, metadata): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: log.debug("declare_metadata: private-key = {} metadata = {}" .format(private_key, str(metadata))) self._metadata[private_key] = metadata self._notify_metadata(private_key) else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) return "" def _get_metadata(self, private_key, client_id): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: client_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(client_id) log.debug("get_metadata: private-key = {} client-id = {}" .format(private_key, client_id)) if client_private_key is not None: if client_private_key in self._metadata: log.debug("--> metadata = {}" .format(self._metadata[client_private_key])) return self._metadata[client_private_key] else: return {} else: raise SAMPProxyError(6, "Invalid client ID") else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _declare_subscriptions(self, private_key, mtypes): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: log.debug("declare_subscriptions: private-key = {} mtypes = {}" .format(private_key, str(mtypes))) # remove subscription to previous mtypes if private_key in self._id2mtypes: prev_mtypes = self._id2mtypes[private_key] for mtype in prev_mtypes: try: self._mtype2ids[mtype].remove(private_key) except ValueError: # private_key is not in list pass self._id2mtypes[private_key] = copy.deepcopy(mtypes) # remove duplicated MType for wildcard overwriting original_mtypes = copy.deepcopy(mtypes) for mtype in original_mtypes: if mtype.endswith("*"): for mtype2 in original_mtypes: if mtype2.startswith(mtype[:-1]) and \ mtype2 != mtype: if mtype2 in mtypes: del(mtypes[mtype2]) log.debug("declare_subscriptions: subscriptions accepted from " "{} => {}".format(private_key, str(mtypes))) for mtype in mtypes: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: if private_key not in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: self._mtype2ids[mtype].append(private_key) else: self._mtype2ids[mtype] = [private_key] self._notify_subscriptions(private_key) else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) return "" def _get_subscriptions(self, private_key, client_id): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: client_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(client_id) if client_private_key is not None: if client_private_key in self._id2mtypes: log.debug("get_subscriptions: client-id = {} mtypes = {}" .format(client_id, str(self._id2mtypes[client_private_key]))) return self._id2mtypes[client_private_key] else: log.debug("get_subscriptions: client-id = {} mtypes = " "missing".format(client_id)) return {} else: raise SAMPProxyError(6, "Invalid client ID") else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _get_registered_clients(self, private_key): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: reg_clients = [] for pkey in self._private_keys.keys(): if pkey != private_key: reg_clients.append(self._private_keys[pkey][0]) log.debug("get_registered_clients: private_key = {} clients = {}" .format(private_key, reg_clients)) return reg_clients else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _get_subscribed_clients(self, private_key, mtype): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: sub_clients = {} for pkey in self._private_keys.keys(): if pkey != private_key and self._is_subscribed(pkey, mtype): sub_clients[self._private_keys[pkey][0]] = {} log.debug("get_subscribed_clients: private_key = {} mtype = {} " "clients = {}".format(private_key, mtype, sub_clients)) return sub_clients else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) @staticmethod
[docs] def get_mtype_subtypes(mtype): """ Return a list containing all the possible wildcarded subtypes of MType. Parameters ---------- mtype : str MType to be parsed. Returns ------- types : list List of subtypes Examples -------- >>> from astropy.samp import SAMPHubServer >>> SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes("") ['', '*', 'samp.*', '*'] """ subtypes = [] msubs = mtype.split(".") indexes = list(range(len(msubs))) indexes.reverse() indexes.append(-1) for i in indexes: tmp_mtype = ".".join(msubs[:i + 1]) if tmp_mtype != mtype: if tmp_mtype != "": tmp_mtype = tmp_mtype + ".*" else: tmp_mtype = "*" subtypes.append(tmp_mtype) return subtypes
def _is_subscribed(self, private_key, mtype): subscribed = False msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(mtype) for msub in msubs: if msub in self._mtype2ids: if private_key in self._mtype2ids[msub]: subscribed = True return subscribed def _notify(self, private_key, recipient_id, message): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: if self._is_subscribed(self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_id), message["samp.mtype"]) is False: raise SAMPProxyError(2, "Client {} not subscribed to MType {}" .format(recipient_id, message["samp.mtype"])) self._launch_thread(target=self._notify_, args=(private_key, recipient_id, message)) return {} else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _notify_(self, sender_private_key, recipient_public_id, message): if sender_private_key not in self._private_keys: return sender_public_id = self._private_keys[sender_private_key][0] try: log.debug("notify {} from {} to {}".format( message["samp.mtype"], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id)) recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_public_id) arg_params = (sender_public_id, message) samp_method_name = "receiveNotification" self._retry_method(recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_method_name, arg_params) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn("{} notification from client {} to client {} " "failed [{}]".format(message["samp.mtype"], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, exc), SAMPWarning) def _notify_all(self, private_key, message): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: if "samp.mtype" not in message: raise SAMPProxyError(3, "samp.mtype keyword is missing") recipient_ids = self._notify_all_(private_key, message) return recipient_ids else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _notify_all_(self, sender_private_key, message): recipient_ids = [] msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(message["samp.mtype"]) for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: if key != sender_private_key: _recipient_id = self._private_keys[key][0] recipient_ids.append(_recipient_id) self._launch_thread(target=self._notify, args=(sender_private_key, _recipient_id, message) ) return recipient_ids def _call(self, private_key, recipient_id, msg_tag, message): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: if self._is_subscribed(self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_id), message["samp.mtype"]) is False: raise SAMPProxyError(2, "Client {} not subscribed to MType {}" .format(recipient_id, message["samp.mtype"])) public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] msg_id = self._get_new_hub_msg_id(public_id, msg_tag) self._launch_thread(target=self._call_, args=(private_key, public_id, recipient_id, msg_id, message)) return msg_id else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _call_(self, sender_private_key, sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, msg_id, message): if sender_private_key not in self._private_keys: return try: log.debug("call {} from {} to {} ({})".format( msg_id.split(";;")[0], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, message["samp.mtype"])) recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_public_id) arg_params = (sender_public_id, msg_id, message) samp_methodName = "receiveCall" self._retry_method(recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_methodName, arg_params) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn("{} call {} from client {} to client {} failed " "[{},{}]".format(message["samp.mtype"], msg_id.split(";;")[0], sender_public_id, recipient_public_id, type(exc), exc), SAMPWarning) def _call_all(self, private_key, msg_tag, message): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: if "samp.mtype" not in message: raise SAMPProxyError(3, "samp.mtype keyword is missing in " "message tagged as {}".format(msg_tag)) public_id = self._private_keys[private_key][0] msg_id = self._call_all_(private_key, public_id, msg_tag, message) return msg_id else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _call_all_(self, sender_private_key, sender_public_id, msg_tag, message): msg_id = {} msubs = SAMPHubServer.get_mtype_subtypes(message["samp.mtype"]) for mtype in msubs: if mtype in self._mtype2ids: for key in self._mtype2ids[mtype]: if key != sender_private_key: _msg_id = self._get_new_hub_msg_id(sender_public_id, msg_tag) receiver_public_id = self._private_keys[key][0] msg_id[receiver_public_id] = _msg_id self._launch_thread(target=self._call_, args=(sender_private_key, sender_public_id, receiver_public_id, _msg_id, message)) return msg_id def _call_and_wait(self, private_key, recipient_id, message, timeout): self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: timeout = int(timeout) now = time.time() response = {} msg_id = self._call(private_key, recipient_id, "samp::sync::call", message) self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] = None while self._is_running: if timeout > 0 and time.time() - now >= timeout: del(self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id]) raise SAMPProxyError(1, "Timeout expired!") if self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] is not None: response = copy.deepcopy(self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id]) del(self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id]) break time.sleep(0.01) return response else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) def _reply(self, private_key, msg_id, response): """ The main method that gets called for replying. This starts up an asynchronous reply thread and returns. """ self._update_last_activity_time(private_key) if private_key in self._private_keys: self._launch_thread(target=self._reply_, args=(private_key, msg_id, response)) else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) return {} def _reply_(self, responder_private_key, msg_id, response): if responder_private_key not in self._private_keys or not msg_id: return responder_public_id = self._private_keys[responder_private_key][0] counter, hub_public_id, recipient_public_id, recipient_msg_tag = msg_id.split(";;", 3) try: log.debug("reply {} from {} to {}".format( counter, responder_public_id, recipient_public_id)) if recipient_msg_tag == "samp::sync::call": if msg_id in self._sync_msg_ids_heap.keys(): self._sync_msg_ids_heap[msg_id] = response else: recipient_private_key = self._public_id_to_private_key(recipient_public_id) arg_params = (responder_public_id, recipient_msg_tag, response) samp_method_name = "receiveResponse" self._retry_method(recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_method_name, arg_params) except Exception as exc: warnings.warn("{} reply from client {} to client {} failed [{}]" .format(recipient_msg_tag, responder_public_id, recipient_public_id, exc), SAMPWarning) def _retry_method(self, recipient_private_key, recipient_public_id, samp_method_name, arg_params): """ This method is used to retry a SAMP call several times. Parameters ---------- recipient_private_key The private key of the receiver of the call recipient_public_key The public key of the receiver of the call samp_method_name : str The name of the SAMP method to call arg_params : tuple Any additional arguments to be passed to the SAMP method """ if recipient_private_key is None: raise SAMPHubError("Invalid client ID") from . import conf for attempt in range(conf.n_retries): if not self._is_running: time.sleep(0.01) continue try: if (self._web_profile and recipient_private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks): # Web Profile callback = {"samp.methodName": samp_method_name, "samp.params": arg_params} self._web_profile_callbacks[recipient_private_key].put(callback) else: # Standard Profile hub = self._xmlrpc_endpoints[recipient_public_id][1] getattr(hub.samp.client, samp_method_name)(recipient_private_key, *arg_params) except xmlrpc.Fault as exc: log.debug("{} XML-RPC endpoint error (attempt {}): {}" .format(recipient_public_id, attempt + 1, exc.faultString)) time.sleep(0.01) else: return # If we are here, then the above attempts failed error_message = samp_method_name + " failed after " + conf.n_retries + " attempts" raise SAMPHubError(error_message) def _public_id_to_private_key(self, public_id): for private_key in self._private_keys.keys(): if self._private_keys[private_key][0] == public_id: return private_key return None def _get_new_hub_msg_id(self, sender_public_id, sender_msg_id): with self._thread_lock: self._hub_msg_id_counter += 1 return "msg#{};;{};;{};;{}".format(self._hub_msg_id_counter, self._hub_public_id, sender_public_id, sender_msg_id) def _update_last_activity_time(self, private_key=None): with self._thread_lock: self._last_activity_time = time.time() if private_key is not None: self._client_activity_time[private_key] = time.time() def _receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, message): return "" def _receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, message): if private_key == self._hub_private_key: if "samp.mtype" in message and message["samp.mtype"] == "": self._reply(self._hub_private_key, msg_id, {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {}}) elif ("samp.mtype" in message and (message["samp.mtype"] == "" or message["samp.mtype"] == "")): ids_list = self._query_by_metadata(message["samp.params"]["key"], message["samp.params"]["value"]) self._reply(self._hub_private_key, msg_id, {"samp.status": SAMP_STATUS_OK, "samp.result": {"ids": ids_list}}) return "" else: return "" def _receive_response(self, private_key, responder_id, msg_tag, response): return "" def _web_profile_register(self, identity_info, client_address=("unknown", 0), origin="unknown"): self._update_last_activity_time() if not client_address[0] in ["localhost", ""]: raise SAMPProxyError(403, "Request of registration rejected " "by the Hub.") if not origin: origin = "unknown" if isinstance(identity_info, dict): # an old version of the protocol provided just a string with the app name if "" not in identity_info: raise SAMPProxyError(403, "Request of registration rejected " "by the Hub (application name not " "provided).") # Red semaphore for the other threads self._web_profile_requests_semaphore.put("wait") # Set the request to be displayed for the current thread self._web_profile_requests_queue.put((identity_info, client_address, origin)) # Get the popup dialogue response response = self._web_profile_requests_result.get() # OK, semaphore green self._web_profile_requests_semaphore.get() if response: register_map = self._perform_standard_register() translator_url = ("http://localhost:{}/translator/{}?ref=" .format(self._web_port, register_map["samp.private-key"])) register_map["samp.url-translator"] = translator_url self._web_profile_server.add_client(register_map["samp.private-key"]) return register_map else: raise SAMPProxyError(403, "Request of registration rejected by " "the user.") def _web_profile_allowReverseCallbacks(self, private_key, allow): self._update_last_activity_time() if private_key in self._private_keys: if allow == "0": if private_key in self._web_profile_callbacks: del self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key] else: self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key] = queue.Queue() else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key)) return "" def _web_profile_pullCallbacks(self, private_key, timeout_secs): self._update_last_activity_time() if private_key in self._private_keys: callback = [] callback_queue = self._web_profile_callbacks[private_key] try: while self._is_running: item_queued = callback_queue.get_nowait() callback.append(item_queued) except queue.Empty: pass return callback else: raise SAMPProxyError(5, "Private-key {} expired or invalid." .format(private_key))
[docs]class WebProfileDialog(object): """ A base class to make writing Web Profile GUI consent dialogs easier. The concrete class must: 1) Poll ``handle_queue`` periodically, using the timer services of the GUI's event loop. This function will call ``self.show_dialog`` when a request requires authorization. ``self.show_dialog`` will be given the arguments: - ``samp_name``: The name of the application making the request. - ``details``: A dictionary of details about the client making the request. - ``client``: A hostname, port pair containing the client address. - ``origin``: A string containing the origin of the request. 2) Call ``consent`` or ``reject`` based on the user's response to the dialog. """
[docs] def handle_queue(self): try: request = self.queue_request.get_nowait() except queue.Empty: # queue is set but empty pass except AttributeError: # queue has not been set yet pass else: if isinstance(request[0], str): # To support the old protocol version samp_name = request[0] else: samp_name = request[0][""] self.show_dialog(samp_name, request[0], request[1], request[2])
[docs] def consent(self): self.queue_result.put(True)
[docs] def reject(self): self.queue_result.put(False)