
class astropy.coordinates.BaseRADecFrame(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame

A base class that defines default representation info for frames that represent longitude and latitude as Right Ascension and Declination following typical “equatorial” conventions.


representation : BaseRepresentation or None

A representation object or None to have no data (or use the other keywords below).

ra : Angle, optional, must be keyword

The RA for this object (dec must also be given and representation must be None).

dec : Angle, optional, must be keyword

The Declination for this object (ra must also be given and representation must be None).

distance : Quantity, optional, must be keyword

The Distance for this object along the line-of-sight. (representation must be None).

pm_ra_cosdec : Quantity, optional, must be keyword

The proper motion in Right Ascension (including the cos(dec) factor) for this object (pm_dec must also be given).

pm_dec : Quantity, optional, must be keyword The

proper motion in Declination for this object (pm_ra_cosdec must also be given).

radial_velocity : Quantity, optional, must be keyword

The radial velocity of this object.

copy : bool, optional

If True (default), make copies of the input coordinate arrays. Can only be passed in as a keyword argument.

Attributes Summary


Attributes Documentation

name = 'baseradecframe'