
class astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation(x, y=None, z=None, unit=None, xyz_axis=None, differentials=None, copy=True)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation

Representation of points in 3D cartesian coordinates.


x, y, z : Quantity or array

The x, y, and z coordinates of the point(s). If x, y, and z have different shapes, they should be broadcastable. If not quantity, unit should be set. If only x is given, it is assumed that it contains an array with the 3 coordinates stored along xyz_axis.

unit : Unit or str

If given, the coordinates will be converted to this unit (or taken to be in this unit if not given.

xyz_axis : int, optional

The axis along which the coordinates are stored when a single array is provided rather than distinct x, y, and z (default: 0).

differentials : dict, CartesianDifferential, optional

Any differential classes that should be associated with this representation. The input must either be a single CartesianDifferential instance, or a dictionary of CartesianDifferential s with keys set to a string representation of the SI unit with which the differential (derivative) is taken. For example, for a velocity differential on a positional representation, the key would be 's' for seconds, indicating that the derivative is a time derivative.

copy : bool, optional

If True (default), arrays will be copied rather than referenced.

Attributes Summary

x The ‘x’ component of the points(s).
xyz Return a vector array of the x, y, and z coordinates.
y The ‘y’ component of the points(s).
z The ‘z’ component of the points(s).

Methods Summary

cross(other) Cross product of two representations.
dot(other) Dot product of two representations.
get_xyz([xyz_axis]) Return a vector array of the x, y, and z coordinates.
mean(*args, **kwargs) Vector mean.
scale_factors() Scale factors for each component’s direction.
sum(*args, **kwargs) Vector sum.
to_cartesian() Convert the representation to its Cartesian form.
transform(matrix) Transform the cartesian coordinates using a 3x3 matrix.
unit_vectors() Cartesian unit vectors in the direction of each component.

Attributes Documentation

attr_classes = OrderedDict([('x', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>), ('y', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>), ('z', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>)])

The ‘x’ component of the points(s).


Return a vector array of the x, y, and z coordinates.


xyz_axis : int, optional

The axis in the final array along which the x, y, z components should be stored (default: 0).


xyz : Quantity

With dimension 3 along xyz_axis.


The ‘y’ component of the points(s).


The ‘z’ component of the points(s).

Methods Documentation

cross(other)[source] [edit on github]

Cross product of two representations.


other : representation

If not already cartesian, it is converted.


cross_product : CartesianRepresentation

With vectors perpendicular to both self and other.

dot(other)[source] [edit on github]

Dot product of two representations.

Note that any associated differentials will be dropped during this operation.


other : representation

If not already cartesian, it is converted.


dot_product : Quantity

The sum of the product of the x, y, and z components of self and other.

classmethod from_cartesian(other)[source] [edit on github]
get_xyz(xyz_axis=0)[source] [edit on github]

Return a vector array of the x, y, and z coordinates.


xyz_axis : int, optional

The axis in the final array along which the x, y, z components should be stored (default: 0).


xyz : Quantity

With dimension 3 along xyz_axis.

mean(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Vector mean.

Returns a new CartesianRepresentation instance with the means of the x, y, and z components.

Refer to mean for full documentation of the arguments, noting that axis is the entry in the shape of the representation, and that the out argument cannot be used.

scale_factors()[source] [edit on github]

Scale factors for each component’s direction.

Given unit vectors \hat{e}_c and scale factors f_c, a change in one component of \delta c corresponds to a change in representation of \delta c \times f_c \times \hat{e}_c.


scale_factors : dict of Quantity

The keys are the component names.

sum(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Vector sum.

Returns a new CartesianRepresentation instance with the sums of the x, y, and z components.

Refer to sum for full documentation of the arguments, noting that axis is the entry in the shape of the representation, and that the out argument cannot be used.

to_cartesian()[source] [edit on github]

Convert the representation to its Cartesian form.

Note that any differentials get dropped.


cartrepr : CartesianRepresentation

The representation in Cartesian form.

transform(matrix)[source] [edit on github]

Transform the cartesian coordinates using a 3x3 matrix.

This returns a new representation and does not modify the original one. Any differentials attached to this representation will also be transformed.


matrix : ndarray

A 3x3 transformation matrix, such as a rotation matrix.


We can start off by creating a cartesian representation object:

>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import CartesianRepresentation
>>> rep = CartesianRepresentation([1, 2] * u.pc,
...                               [2, 3] * u.pc,
...                               [3, 4] * u.pc)

We now create a rotation matrix around the z axis:

>>> from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix
>>> rotation = rotation_matrix(30 * u.deg, axis='z')

Finally, we can apply this transformation:

>>> rep_new = rep.transform(rotation)
<Quantity [[ 1.8660254 , 3.23205081],
           [ 1.23205081, 1.59807621],
           [ 3.        , 4.        ]] pc>
unit_vectors()[source] [edit on github]

Cartesian unit vectors in the direction of each component.

Given unit vectors \hat{e}_c and scale factors f_c, a change in one component of \delta c corresponds to a change in representation of \delta c \times f_c \times \hat{e}_c.


unit_vectors : dict of CartesianRepresentation

The keys are the component names.