
class astropy.coordinates.SphericalDifferential(d_lon, d_lat, d_distance, copy=True)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.coordinates.BaseSphericalDifferential

Differential(s) of points in 3D spherical coordinates.


d_lon, d_lat : Quantity

The differential longitude and latitude.

d_distance : Quantity

The differential distance.

copy : bool, optional

If True (default), arrays will be copied rather than referenced.

Attributes Summary

d_distance Component ‘d_distance’ of the Differential.
d_lat Component ‘d_lat’ of the Differential.
d_lon Component ‘d_lon’ of the Differential.

Methods Summary

from_representation(representation[, base])
represent_as(other_class[, base]) Convert coordinates to another representation.

Attributes Documentation

attr_classes = OrderedDict([('d_lon', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>), ('d_lat', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>), ('d_distance', <class 'astropy.units.quantity.Quantity'>)])

Component ‘d_distance’ of the Differential.


Component ‘d_lat’ of the Differential.


Component ‘d_lon’ of the Differential.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_representation(representation, base=None)[source] [edit on github]
represent_as(other_class, base=None)[source] [edit on github]

Convert coordinates to another representation.

If the instance is of the requested class, it is returned unmodified. By default, conversion is done via cartesian coordinates.


other_class : BaseRepresentation subclass

The type of representation to turn the coordinates into.

base : instance of self.base_representation, optional

Base relative to which the differentials are defined. If the other class is a differential representation, the base will be converted to its base_representation.