
class[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Class providing methods to read and write an ASCII table using the specified header, data, inputter, and outputter instances.

Typical usage is to instantiate a Reader() object and customize the header, data, inputter, and outputter attributes. Each of these is an object of the corresponding class.

There is one method inconsistent_handler that can be used to customize the behavior of read() in the event that a data row doesn’t match the header. The default behavior is to raise an InconsistentTableError.

Attributes Summary

comment_lines Return lines in the table that match header.comment regexp

Methods Summary

inconsistent_handler(str_vals, ncols) Adjust or skip data entries if a row is inconsistent with the header.
read(table) Read the table and return the results in a format determined by the outputter attribute.
update_table_data(table) Update table columns in place if needed.
write(table) Write table as list of strings.
write_header(lines, meta)

Attributes Documentation


Return lines in the table that match header.comment regexp

encoding = None
exclude_names = None
guessing = False
include_names = None
names = None
strict_names = False

Methods Documentation

inconsistent_handler(str_vals, ncols)[source] [edit on github]

Adjust or skip data entries if a row is inconsistent with the header.

The default implementation does no adjustment, and hence will always trigger an exception in read() any time the number of data entries does not match the header.

Note that this will not be called if the row already matches the header.


str_vals : list

A list of value strings from the current row of the table.

ncols : int

The expected number of entries from the table header.


str_vals : list

List of strings to be parsed into data entries in the output table. If the length of this list does not match ncols, an exception will be raised in read(). Can also be None, in which case the row will be skipped.

read(table)[source] [edit on github]

Read the table and return the results in a format determined by the outputter attribute.

The table parameter is any string or object that can be processed by the instance inputter. For the base Inputter class table can be one of:

  • File name
  • File-like object
  • String (newline separated) with all header and data lines (must have at least 2 lines)
  • List of strings

table : str, file_like, list

Input table.


table : Table

Output table

update_table_data(table)[source] [edit on github]

Update table columns in place if needed.

This is a hook to allow updating the table columns after name filtering but before setting up to write the data. This is currently only used by ECSV and is otherwise just a pass-through.


table : astropy.table.Table

Input table for writing


table : astropy.table.Table

Output table for writing

write(table)[source] [edit on github]

Write table as list of strings.


table : Table

Input table data.


lines : list

List of strings corresponding to ASCII table

write_header(lines, meta)[source] [edit on github]