
class astropy.modeling.rotations.RotateCelestial2Native(lon, lat, lon_pole, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.rotations._SkyRotation

Transform from Celestial to Native Spherical Coordinates.


lon : float or or Quantity

Celestial longitude of the fiducial point.

lat : float or or Quantity

Celestial latitude of the fiducial point.

lon_pole : float or or Quantity

Longitude of the celestial pole in the native system.


If lon, lat and lon_pole are numerical values they should be in units of deg.

Attributes Summary

input_units Input units.
inputs Inputs are angles on the celestial sphere
outputs Outputs are angles on the native sphere
return_units Output units.

Methods Summary

__call__(alpha_C, delta_C[, model_set_axis, ...]) Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.
evaluate(alpha_C, delta_C, lon, lat, lon_pole)

Attributes Documentation


Input units.

inputs = ('alpha_C', 'delta_C')

Inputs are angles on the celestial sphere

outputs = ('phi_N', 'theta_N')

Outputs are angles on the native sphere

param_names = ('lon', 'lat', 'lon_pole')

Output units.

Methods Documentation

__call__(alpha_C, delta_C, model_set_axis=None, with_bounding_box=False, fill_value=nan, equivalencies=None) [edit on github]

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(alpha_C, delta_C, lon, lat, lon_pole)[source] [edit on github]

alpha_C, delta_C : float (deg) or Quantity

Angles in the Celestial coordinate frame.

lon, lat, lon_pole : float (deg) or Quantity

Parameter values when the model was initialized.


phi_N, theta_N : float (deg) or Quantity

Angles on the Native sphere.