
class astropy.nddata.NDUncertainty(array=None, copy=True, unit=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

This is the metaclass for uncertainty classes used with NDData.


array : any type, optional

The array or value (the parameter name is due to historical reasons) of the uncertainty. numpy.ndarray, Quantity or NDUncertainty subclasses are recommended. If the array is list-like or numpy.ndarray-like it will be cast to a plain numpy.ndarray. Default is None.

unit : Unit or str, optional

Unit for the uncertainty array. Strings that can be converted to a Unit are allowed. Default is None.

copy : bool, optional

Indicates whether to save the array as a copy. True copies it before saving, while False tries to save every parameter as reference. Note however that it is not always possible to save the input as reference. Default is True.



If given another NDUncertainty-like class as array if their uncertainty_type is different.

Attributes Summary

array numpy.ndarray : the uncertainty’s value.
parent_nddata NDData : reference to NDData instance with this uncertainty.
supports_correlated bool : Supports uncertainty propagation with correlated uncertainties?
uncertainty_type str : Short description of the type of uncertainty.
unit Unit : The unit of the uncertainty, if any.

Methods Summary

propagate(operation, other_nddata, ...) Calculate the resulting uncertainty given an operation on the data.

Attributes Documentation


numpy.ndarray : the uncertainty’s value.


NDData : reference to NDData instance with this uncertainty.

In case the reference is not set uncertainty propagation will not be possible since propagation might need the uncertain data besides the uncertainty.


bool : Supports uncertainty propagation with correlated uncertainties?

New in version 1.2.


str : Short description of the type of uncertainty.

Defined as abstract property so subclasses have to override this.


Unit : The unit of the uncertainty, if any.

Even though it is not enforced the unit should be convertible to the parent_nddata unit. Otherwise uncertainty propagation might give wrong results.

If the unit is not set the unit of the parent will be returned.

Methods Documentation

propagate(operation, other_nddata, result_data, correlation)[source] [edit on github]

Calculate the resulting uncertainty given an operation on the data.

New in version 1.2.


operation : callable

The operation that is performed on the NDData. Supported are numpy.add, numpy.subtract, numpy.multiply and numpy.true_divide (or numpy.divide).

other_nddata : NDData instance

The second operand in the arithmetic operation.

result_data : Quantity or numpy.ndarray

The result of the arithmetic operations on the data.

correlation : numpy.ndarray or number

The correlation (rho) is defined between the uncertainties in sigma_AB = sigma_A * sigma_B * rho. A value of 0 means uncorrelated operands.


resulting_uncertainty : NDUncertainty instance

Another instance of the same NDUncertainty subclass containing the uncertainty of the result.



If the operation is not supported or if correlation is not zero but the subclass does not support correlated uncertainties.


First this method checks if a correlation is given and the subclass implements propagation with correlated uncertainties. Then the second uncertainty is converted (or an Exception is raised) to the same class in order to do the propagation. Then the appropriate propagation method is invoked and the result is returned.