
class astropy.stats.Events(p0=0.05, gamma=None, ncp_prior=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.stats.FitnessFunc

Bayesian blocks fitness for binned or unbinned events


p0 : float (optional)

False alarm probability, used to compute the prior on N_{\rm blocks} (see eq. 21 of Scargle 2012). For the Events type data, p0 does not seem to be an accurate representation of the actual false alarm probability. If you are using this fitness function for a triggering type condition, it is recommended that you run statistical trials on signal-free noise to determine an appropriate value of gamma or ncp_prior to use for a desired false alarm rate.

gamma : float (optional)

If specified, then use this gamma to compute the general prior form, p \sim {\tt gamma}^{N_{\rm blocks}}. If gamma is specified, p0 is ignored.

ncp_prior : float (optional)

If specified, use the value of ncp_prior to compute the prior as above, using the definition {\tt ncp\_prior} = -\ln({\tt
gamma}). If ncp_prior is specified, gamma and p0 is ignored.

Methods Summary

fitness(N_k, T_k)
validate_input(t, x, sigma)

Methods Documentation

fitness(N_k, T_k)[source] [edit on github]
validate_input(t, x, sigma)[source] [edit on github]