
class astropy.stats.SigmaClip(sigma=3.0, sigma_lower=None, sigma_upper=None, iters=5, cenfunc=<function median>, stdfunc=<function std>)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Class to perform sigma clipping.

The data will be iterated over, each time rejecting points that are discrepant by more than a specified number of standard deviations from a center value. If the data contains invalid values (NaNs or infs), they are automatically masked before performing the sigma clipping.

For a functional interface to sigma clipping, see sigma_clip().


scipy.stats.sigmaclip provides a subset of the functionality in this class.


sigma : float, optional

The number of standard deviations to use for both the lower and upper clipping limit. These limits are overridden by sigma_lower and sigma_upper, if input. Defaults to 3.

sigma_lower : float or None, optional

The number of standard deviations to use as the lower bound for the clipping limit. If None then the value of sigma is used. Defaults to None.

sigma_upper : float or None, optional

The number of standard deviations to use as the upper bound for the clipping limit. If None then the value of sigma is used. Defaults to None.

iters : int or None, optional

The number of iterations to perform sigma clipping, or None to clip until convergence is achieved (i.e., continue until the last iteration clips nothing). Defaults to 5.

cenfunc : callable, optional

The function used to compute the center for the clipping. Must be a callable that takes in a masked array and outputs the central value. Defaults to the median (

stdfunc : callable, optional

The function used to compute the standard deviation about the center. Must be a callable that takes in a masked array and outputs a width estimator. Masked (rejected) pixels are those where:

deviation < (-sigma_lower * stdfunc(deviation))
deviation > (sigma_upper * stdfunc(deviation))


deviation = data - cenfunc(data [,axis=int])

Defaults to the standard deviation (numpy.std).

See also



This example generates random variates from a Gaussian distribution and returns a masked array in which all points that are more than 2 sample standard deviations from the median are masked:

>>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
>>> from numpy.random import randn
>>> randvar = randn(10000)
>>> sigclip = SigmaClip(sigma=2, iters=5)
>>> filtered_data = sigclip(randvar)

This example sigma clips on a similar distribution, but uses 3 sigma relative to the sample mean, clips until convergence, and does not copy the data:

>>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
>>> from numpy.random import randn
>>> from numpy import mean
>>> randvar = randn(10000)
>>> sigclip = SigmaClip(sigma=3, iters=None, cenfunc=mean)
>>> filtered_data = sigclip(randvar, copy=False)

This example sigma clips along one axis on a similar distribution (with bad points inserted):

>>> from astropy.stats import SigmaClip
>>> from numpy.random import normal
>>> from numpy import arange, diag, ones
>>> data = arange(5) + normal(0., 0.05, (5, 5)) + diag(ones(5))
>>> sigclip = SigmaClip(sigma=2.3)
>>> filtered_data = sigclip(data, axis=0)

Note that along the other axis, no points would be masked, as the variance is higher.

Methods Summary

__call__(data[, axis, copy]) Perform sigma clipping on the provided data.

Methods Documentation

__call__(data, axis=None, copy=True)[source] [edit on github]

Perform sigma clipping on the provided data.


data : array-like

The data to be sigma clipped.

axis : int or None, optional

If not None, clip along the given axis. For this case, axis will be passed on to cenfunc and stdfunc, which are expected to return an array with the axis dimension removed (like the numpy functions). If None, clip over all axes. Defaults to None.

copy : bool, optional

If True, the data array will be copied. If False, the returned masked array data will contain the same array as data. Defaults to True.


filtered_data :

A masked array with the same shape as data input, where the points rejected by the algorithm have been masked.