class astropy.time.TimeFITS(val1, val2, scale, precision, in_subfmt, out_subfmt, from_jd=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.time.TimeString


ISOT with two extensions: - Can give signed five-digit year (mostly for negative years); - A possible time scale (and realization) appended in parentheses.

Note: FITS supports some deprecated names for timescales; these are translated to the formal names upon initialization. Furthermore, any specific realization information is stored only as long as the time scale is not changed.

The allowed subformats are:

  • ‘date_hms’: date + hours, mins, secs (and optional fractional secs)
  • ‘date’: date
  • ‘longdate_hms’: as ‘date_hms’, but with signed 5-digit year
  • ‘longdate’: as ‘date’, but with signed 5-digit year

See Rots et al., 2015, A&A 574:A36 (arXiv:1409.7583).

Attributes Summary

scale Time scale
value Convert times to strings, using signed 5 digit if necessary.

Methods Summary

format_string(str_fmt, **kwargs) Format time-string: append the scale to the normal ISOT format.
parse_string(timestr, subfmts) Read time and set scale according to trailing scale codes.
set_jds(val1, val2) Parse the time strings contained in val1 and set jd1, jd2
str_kwargs() Generator that yields a dict of values corresponding to the calendar date and time for the internal JD values.
to_value([parent]) Return time representation from internal jd1 and jd2.

Attributes Documentation

name = 'fits'

Time scale

subfmts = (('date_hms', re.compile('(?P<year>\\d{4})-(?P<mon>\\d\\d)-(?P<mday>\\d\\d)T(?P<hour>\\d\\d):(?P<min>\\d\\d):(?P<sec>\\d\\d(\\.\\d*)?)(\\((?P<scale>\\w+)(\\((?P<realization>\\w+)\\))?\\))?$'), '{year:04d}-{mon:02d}-{day:02d}T{hour:02d}:{min:02d}:{sec:02d}'), ('date', re.compile('(?P<year>\\d{4})-(?P<mon>\\d\\d)-(?P<mday>\\d\\d)(\\((?P<scale>\\w+)(\\((?P<realization>\\w+)\\))?\\))?$'), '{year:04d}-{mon:02d}-{day:02d}'), ('longdate_hms', re.compile('(?P<year>[+-]\\d{5})-(?P<mon>\\d\\d)-(?P<mday>\\d\\d)T(?P<hour>\\d\\d):(?P<min>\\d\\d):(?P<sec>\\d\\d(\\.\\d*)?)(\\((?P<scale>\\w+)(\\((?P<realization>\\w+)\\))?\\))?$'), '{year:+06d}-{mon:02d}-{day:02d}T{hour:02d}:{min:02d}:{sec:02d}'), ('longdate', re.compile('(?P<year>[+-]\\d{5})-(?P<mon>\\d\\d)-(?P<mday>\\d\\d)(\\((?P<scale>\\w+)(\\((?P<realization>\\w+)\\))?\\))?$'), '{year:+06d}-{mon:02d}-{day:02d}'))

Convert times to strings, using signed 5 digit if necessary.

Methods Documentation

format_string(str_fmt, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Format time-string: append the scale to the normal ISOT format.

parse_string(timestr, subfmts)[source] [edit on github]

Read time and set scale according to trailing scale codes.

set_jds(val1, val2) [edit on github]

Parse the time strings contained in val1 and set jd1, jd2

str_kwargs() [edit on github]

Generator that yields a dict of values corresponding to the calendar date and time for the internal JD values.

to_value(parent=None) [edit on github]

Return time representation from internal jd1 and jd2. This is the base method that ignores parent and requires that subclasses implement the value property. Subclasses that require parent or have other optional args for to_value should compute and return the value directly.