class astropy.time.TimeMJD(val1, val2, scale, precision, in_subfmt, out_subfmt, from_jd=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.time.TimeFormat

Modified Julian Date time format. This represents the number of days since midnight on November 17, 1858. For example, 51544.0 in MJD is midnight on January 1, 2000.

Attributes Summary

scale Time scale

Methods Summary

set_jds(val1, val2)
to_value([parent]) Return time representation from internal jd1 and jd2.

Attributes Documentation

name = 'mjd'

Time scale


Methods Documentation

set_jds(val1, val2)[source] [edit on github]
to_value(parent=None) [edit on github]

Return time representation from internal jd1 and jd2. This is the base method that ignores parent and requires that subclasses implement the value property. Subclasses that require parent or have other optional args for to_value should compute and return the value directly.