
class astropy.units.NamedUnit(st, doc=None, format=None, namespace=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.units.UnitBase

The base class of units that have a name.


st : str, list of str, 2-tuple

The name of the unit. If a list of strings, the first element is the canonical (short) name, and the rest of the elements are aliases. If a tuple of lists, the first element is a list of short names, and the second element is a list of long names; all but the first short name are considered “aliases”. Each name should be a valid Python identifier to make it easy to access, but this is not required.

namespace : dict, optional

When provided, inject the unit, and all of its aliases, in the given namespace dictionary. If a unit by the same name is already in the namespace, a ValueError is raised.

doc : str, optional

A docstring describing the unit.

format : dict, optional

A mapping to format-specific representations of this unit. For example, for the Ohm unit, it might be nice to have it displayed as \Omega by the latex formatter. In that case, format argument should be set to:

{'latex': r'\Omega'}


If any of the given unit names are already in the registry.


If any of the given unit names are not valid Python tokens.

Attributes Summary

aliases Returns the alias (long) names for this unit.
long_names Returns all of the long names associated with this unit.
name Returns the canonical (short) name associated with this unit.
names Returns all of the names associated with this unit.
short_names Returns all of the short names associated with this unit.

Methods Summary

get_format_name(format) Get a name for this unit that is specific to a particular format.

Attributes Documentation


Returns the alias (long) names for this unit.


Returns all of the long names associated with this unit.


Returns the canonical (short) name associated with this unit.


Returns all of the names associated with this unit.


Returns all of the short names associated with this unit.

Methods Documentation

get_format_name(format)[source] [edit on github]

Get a name for this unit that is specific to a particular format.

Uses the dictionary passed into the format kwarg in the constructor.


format : str

The name of the format


name : str

The name of the unit for the given format.