
class astropy.units.function.FunctionUnitBase(physical_unit=None, function_unit=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for function units.

Function units are functions containing a physical unit, such as dB(mW). Most of the arithmetic operations on function units are defined in this base class.

While instantiation is defined, this class should not be used directly. Rather, subclasses should be used that override the abstract properties _default_function_unit and _quantity_class, and the abstract methods from_physical, and to_physical.


physical_unit : Unit or string

Unit that is encapsulated within the function unit. If not given, dimensionless.

function_unit : Unit or string

By default, the same as the function unit set by the subclass.

Attributes Summary

cgs Copy the current function unit with the physical unit in CGS.
equivalencies List of equivalencies between function and physical units.
physical_type Return the physical type of the physical unit (e.g., ‘length’).
si Copy the current function unit with the physical unit in SI.

Methods Summary

decompose([bases]) Copy the current unit with the physical unit decomposed.
from_physical(x) Transformation from value in physical to value in function units.
is_equivalent(other[, equivalencies]) Returns True if this unit is equivalent to other.
to(other[, value, equivalencies]) Return the converted values in the specified unit.
to_physical(x) Transformation from value in function to value in physical units.
to_string([format]) Output the unit in the given format as a string.

Attributes Documentation


Copy the current function unit with the physical unit in CGS.


List of equivalencies between function and physical units.

Uses the from_physical and to_physical methods.


Return the physical type of the physical unit (e.g., ‘length’).


Copy the current function unit with the physical unit in SI.

Methods Documentation

decompose(bases=set())[source] [edit on github]

Copy the current unit with the physical unit decomposed.

For details, see decompose.

from_physical(x)[source] [edit on github]

Transformation from value in physical to value in function units.

This method should be overridden by subclasses. It is used to provide automatic transformations using an equivalency.

is_equivalent(other, equivalencies=[])[source] [edit on github]

Returns True if this unit is equivalent to other.


other : unit object or string or tuple

The unit to convert to. If a tuple of units is specified, this method returns true if the unit matches any of those in the tuple.

equivalencies : list of equivalence pairs, optional

A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not directly convertible. See Equivalencies. This list is in addition to the built-in equivalencies between the function unit and the physical one, as well as possible global defaults set by, e.g., set_enabled_equivalencies. Use None to turn off any global equivalencies.



is_unity()[source] [edit on github]
to(other, value=1.0, equivalencies=[])[source] [edit on github]

Return the converted values in the specified unit.


other : Unit object, FunctionUnitBase object or string

The unit to convert to.

value : scalar int or float, or sequence convertible to array, optional

Value(s) in the current unit to be converted to the specified unit. If not provided, defaults to 1.0.

equivalencies : list of equivalence pairs, optional

A list of equivalence pairs to try if the units are not directly convertible. See Equivalencies. This list is in meant to treat only equivalencies between different physical units; the build-in equivalency between the function unit and the physical one is automatically taken into account.


values : scalar or array

Converted value(s). Input value sequences are returned as numpy arrays.



If units are inconsistent.

to_physical(x)[source] [edit on github]

Transformation from value in function to value in physical units.

This method should be overridden by subclasses. It is used to provide automatic transformations using an equivalency.

to_string(format='generic')[source] [edit on github]

Output the unit in the given format as a string.

The physical unit is appended, within parentheses, to the function unit, as in “dB(mW)”, with both units set using the given format


format : astropy.units.format.Base instance or str

The name of a format or a formatter object. If not provided, defaults to the generic format.