
class astropy.utils.console.ProgressBarOrSpinner(total, msg, color='default', file=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

A class that displays either a ProgressBar or Spinner depending on whether the total size of the operation is known or not.

It is designed to be used with the with statement:

if file.has_length():
    length = file.get_length()
    length = None
bytes_read = 0
with ProgressBarOrSpinner(length) as bar:
        bytes_read += blocksize

total : int or None

If an int, the number of increments in the process being tracked and a ProgressBar is displayed. If None, a Spinner is displayed.

msg : str

The message to display above the ProgressBar or alongside the Spinner.

color : str, optional

The color of msg, if any. Must be an ANSI terminal color name. Must be one of: black, red, green, brown, blue, magenta, cyan, lightgrey, default, darkgrey, lightred, lightgreen, yellow, lightblue, lightmagenta, lightcyan, white.

file : writable file-like object, optional

The file to write the to. Defaults to sys.stdout. If file is not a tty (as determined by calling its isatty member, if any), only msg will be displayed: the ProgressBar or Spinner will be silent.

Methods Summary

update(value) Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total given to the constructor.

Methods Documentation

update(value)[source] [edit on github]

Update the progress bar to the given value (out of the total given to the constructor.