
class astropy.utils.data_info.BaseColumnInfo(bound=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.utils.data_info.DataInfo

Base info class for anything that can be a column in an astropy Table. There are at least two classes that inherit from this:

ColumnInfo: for native astropy Column / MaskedColumn objects MixinInfo: for mixin column objects

Note that this class is defined here so that mixins can use it without importing the table package.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

adjust_indices(index, value, col_len) Adjust info indices after column modification.
iter_str_vals() This is a mixin-safe version of Column.iter_str_vals.
merge_cols_attributes(cols, ...) Utility method to merge and validate the attributes attrs for the input table columns cols.
slice_indices(col_slice, item, col_len) Given a sliced object, modify its indices to correctly represent the slice.

Attributes Documentation

attr_names = {'indices', 'name', 'meta', 'description', 'parent_table', 'unit', 'format', 'dtype'}

Methods Documentation

adjust_indices(index, value, col_len)[source] [edit on github]

Adjust info indices after column modification.


index : slice, int, list, or ndarray

Element(s) of column to modify. This parameter can be a single row number, a list of row numbers, an ndarray of row numbers, a boolean ndarray (a mask), or a column slice.

value : int, list, or ndarray

New value(s) to insert

col_len : int

Length of the column

iter_str_vals()[source] [edit on github]

This is a mixin-safe version of Column.iter_str_vals.

static merge_cols_attributes(cols, metadata_conflicts, name, attrs)[source] [edit on github]

Utility method to merge and validate the attributes attrs for the input table columns cols.

Note that dtype and shape attributes are handled specially. These should not be passed in attrs but will always be in the returned dict of merged attributes.


cols : list

List of input Table column objects

metadata_conflicts : str (‘warn’|’error’|’silent’)

How to handle metadata conflicts

name : str

Output column name

attrs : list

List of attribute names to be merged


attrs : dict of merged attributes

slice_indices(col_slice, item, col_len)[source] [edit on github]

Given a sliced object, modify its indices to correctly represent the slice.


col_slice : Column or mixin

Sliced object

item : slice, list, or ndarray

Slice used to create col_slice

col_len : int

Length of original object