
class astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter(file)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

A class to write well-formed and nicely indented XML.

Use like this:

w = XMLWriter(fh)
with w.tag('html'):
    with w.tag('body'):
        w.data('This is the content')

Which produces:

  This is the content
Parameters:file : writable file-like object.

Methods Summary

close(id) Closes open elements, up to (and including) the element identified by the given identifier.
comment(comment) Adds a comment to the output stream.
data(text) Adds character data to the output stream.
element(tag[, text, wrap, attrib]) Adds an entire element.
end([tag, indent, wrap]) Closes the current element (opened by the most recent call to start).
get_indentation() Returns the number of indentation levels the file is currently in.
get_indentation_spaces([offset]) Returns a string of spaces that matches the current indentation level.
object_attrs(obj, attrs) Converts an object with a bunch of attributes on an object into a dictionary for use by the XMLWriter.
start(tag[, attrib]) Opens a new element.
tag(tag[, attrib]) A convenience method for creating wrapper elements using the with statement.
xml_cleaning_method([method]) Context manager to control how XML data tags are cleaned (escaped) to remove potentially unsafe characters or constructs.

Methods Documentation

close(id)[source] [edit on github]

Closes open elements, up to (and including) the element identified by the given identifier.


id : int

Element identifier, as returned by the start method.

comment(comment)[source] [edit on github]

Adds a comment to the output stream.


comment : str

Comment text, as a Unicode string.

data(text)[source] [edit on github]

Adds character data to the output stream.


text : str

Character data, as a Unicode string.

element(tag, text=None, wrap=False, attrib={}, **extra)[source] [edit on github]

Adds an entire element. This is the same as calling start, data, and end in sequence. The text argument can be omitted.

end(tag=None, indent=True, wrap=False)[source] [edit on github]

Closes the current element (opened by the most recent call to start).


tag : str

Element name. If given, the tag must match the start tag. If omitted, the current element is closed.

flush()[source] [edit on github]
get_indentation()[source] [edit on github]

Returns the number of indentation levels the file is currently in.

get_indentation_spaces(offset=0)[source] [edit on github]

Returns a string of spaces that matches the current indentation level.

static object_attrs(obj, attrs)[source] [edit on github]

Converts an object with a bunch of attributes on an object into a dictionary for use by the XMLWriter.


obj : object

Any Python object

attrs : sequence of str

Attribute names to pull from the object


attrs : dict

Maps attribute names to the values retrieved from obj.attr. If any of the attributes is None, it will not appear in the output dictionary.

start(tag, attrib={}, **extra)[source] [edit on github]

Opens a new element. Attributes can be given as keyword arguments, or as a string/string dictionary. The method returns an opaque identifier that can be passed to the close() method, to close all open elements up to and including this one.


tag : str

The element name

attrib : dict of str -> str

Attribute dictionary. Alternatively, attributes can be given as keyword arguments.


id : int

Returns an element identifier.

tag(tag, attrib={}, **extra)[source] [edit on github]

A convenience method for creating wrapper elements using the with statement.


>>> with writer.tag('foo'):  
...     writer.element('bar')
... # </foo> is implicitly closed here

Parameters are the same as to start.

xml_cleaning_method(method='escape_xml', **clean_kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Context manager to control how XML data tags are cleaned (escaped) to remove potentially unsafe characters or constructs.

The default (method='escape_xml') applies brute-force escaping of certain key XML characters like <, >, and & to ensure that the output is not valid XML.

In order to explicitly allow certain XML tags (e.g. link reference or emphasis tags), use method='bleach_clean'. This sanitizes the data string using the clean function of the http://bleach.readthedocs.io/en/latest/clean.html package. Any additional keyword arguments will be passed directly to the clean function.

Finally, use method='none' to disable any sanitization. This should be used sparingly.


w = writer.XMLWriter(ListWriter(lines))
with w.xml_cleaning_method('bleach_clean'):
    w.data('<a href="http://google.com">google.com</a>')

method : str

Cleaning method. Allowed values are “escape_xml”, “bleach_clean”, and “none”.

**clean_kwargs : keyword args

Additional keyword args that are passed to the bleach.clean() function.