
class astropy.visualization.BaseInterval[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.visualization.BaseTransform

Base class for the interval classes, which, when called with an array of values, return an interval computed following different algorithms.

Methods Summary

__call__(values[, clip, out]) Transform values using this interval.
get_limits(values) Return the minimum and maximum value in the interval based on the values provided.

Methods Documentation

__call__(values, clip=True, out=None)[source] [edit on github]

Transform values using this interval.


values : array-like

The input values.

clip : bool, optional

If True (default), values outside the [0:1] range are clipped to the [0:1] range.

out : ndarray, optional

If specified, the output values will be placed in this array (typically used for in-place calculations).


result : ndarray

The transformed values.

get_limits(values)[source] [edit on github]

Return the minimum and maximum value in the interval based on the values provided.


values : ndarray

The image values.


vmin, vmax : float

The mininium and maximum image value in the interval.