
class astropy.vo.validator.inspect.ConeSearchResults(cache=False, verbose=True)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Deprecated since version 2.0: The ConeSearchResults class is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.inspect.ConeSearchResults instead.

A class to store Cone Search validation results.


cache : bool

Read from cache, if available. Default is False to ensure the latest data are read.

verbose : bool

Show download progress bars.


dbtypes (list) Cone Search database identifiers. dbs : dict Stores VOSDatabase for each dbtypes. catkeys : dict Stores sorted catalog keys for each dbtypes.

Deprecated since version 2.0: The ConeSearchResults class is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use astroquery.vo_conesearch.validator.inspect.ConeSearchResults instead.

Methods Summary

list_cats(typ[, fout, ignore_noncrit]) List catalogs in given database.
print_cat(key[, fout]) Display a single catalog of given key.
tally([fout]) Tally databases.

Methods Documentation

list_cats(typ, fout=None, ignore_noncrit=False)[source] [edit on github]

List catalogs in given database.

Listing contains:

  1. Catalog key
  2. Cone search access URL
  3. Warning codes
  4. Warning descriptions

typ : str

Any value in self.dbtypes.

fout : output stream

Default is screen output.

ignore_noncrit : bool

Exclude warnings in astropy.vo.validator.Conf.noncritical_warnings. This is useful to see why a catalog failed validation.

print_cat(key, fout=None)[source] [edit on github]

Display a single catalog of given key.

If not found, nothing is written out.


key : str

Catalog key.

fout : output stream

Default is screen output.

tally(fout=None)[source] [edit on github]

Tally databases.


fout : output stream

Default is screen output.