
astropy.io.ascii.write(table, output=None, format=None, Writer=None, fast_writer=True, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Write the input table to filename. Most of the default behavior for various parameters is determined by the Writer class.


table : BaseReader, array_like, str, file_like, list

Input table as a Reader object, Numpy struct array, file name, file-like object, list of strings, or single newline-separated string.

output : str, file_like

Output [filename, file-like object]. Defaults to``sys.stdout``.

format : str

Output table format. Defaults to ‘basic’.

delimiter : str

Column delimiter string

comment : str

String defining a comment line in table

quotechar : str

One-character string to quote fields containing special characters

formats : dict

Dictionary of format specifiers or formatting functions

strip_whitespace : bool

Strip surrounding whitespace from column values.

names : list

List of names corresponding to each data column

include_names : list

List of names to include in output.

exclude_names : list

List of names to exclude from output (applied after include_names)

fast_writer : bool

Whether to use the fast Cython writer.

overwrite : bool

If overwrite=None (default) and the file exists, then a warning will be issued. In a future release this will instead generate an exception. If overwrite=False and the file exists, then an exception is raised. This parameter is ignored when the output arg is not a string (e.g., a file object).

Writer : Writer

Writer class (DEPRECATED).